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Integrate your application with Docker.

Spin up containers

@flecks/docker can spin up containers for rapid development.


The user running the server must have Docker privileges. See:

Adding @flecks/docker to your build/flecks.yml will discover and spin up containers in development. For instance, if you have @flecks/db in your build/flecks.yml, @flecks/docker will automatically spin up a database.

See Implementations under the @flecks/docker.containers documentation to find implementations of Docker containers.

@flecks/docker runs your container in a manner that outlives your application. If you kill your application and then run:

docker ps

You will see lines for your containers looking something like:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE     COMMAND                 CREATED        STATUS        PORTS                                      NAMES
<SOME_ID> postgres "docker-entrypoint.s…" 5 minutes ago Up 5 minutes>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp [FLECKS_ID]_sequelize
What's in a name?

The container name is based off of @flecks/ which by default is flecks. If you change your application's ID, the container name will be different!

You'll see under the NAMES column heading, there is an entry called [FLECKS_ID]_sequelize. That's our database container! You can always

docker kill [FLECKS_ID]_sequelize

to free up any resources being used. flecks keeps the containers running so that you get a nice fast application start.

Build and orchestrate for production

@flecks/docker hooks the server build to include a Dockerfile and a docker-compose.yml to both build and orchestrate your application with Docker.

By default, these will be found at dist/server after building your application.

After building, the application could be composed in Docker Compose using the following command:

docker-compose -f dist/server/docker-compose.yml up