flecks provides real-time socket connections through Socket.IO. Packets are binary by default so they are small and fast.
import {Flecks} from '@flecks/core/server';
export const hooks = {
'@flecks/socket.packets': Flecks.provide(require.context('./packets')),
The simplest packet can be defined like so:
export default (flecks) => {
const {Packet} = flecks.fleck('@flecks/socket');
return class Slap extends Packet {};
This transmits no packet data at all, only the packet ID. e.g., you just know you've been slapped, since it's a slap packet. You don't know why, how hard, etc.
This is a long-winded way of sending a packet:
const {Slap} = flecks.socket.Packets;
socket.send(new Slap());
but let's learn about packet hydration to make working with packets a lot easier.
Packet hydration
Instead of getting the packet class and having to manually create a new packet to send every time, we can instead send a dehydrated packet:
Notice that a dehydrated packet is an array. The first element of the array is the gathered name of the packet.
The second element is the data
passed to the packet constructor. We'll see a couple more
examples of sending dehydrated packets on this page to come.
Dehydrated sending is just better and should always be preferred!
Packets may implement a static getter method data
to define the schema with which to serialize the
packet data. See SchemaPack
to learn more.
Data types
Type Name | Bytes | Range of Values |
bool | 1 | true or false |
int8 | 1 | -128 to 127 |
uint8 | 1 | 0 to 255 |
int16 | 2 | -32,768 to 32,767 |
uint16 | 2 | 0 to 65,535 |
int32 | 4 | -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 |
uint32 | 4 | 0 to 4,294,967,295 |
float32 | 4 | 3.4E +/- 38 (7 digits) |
float64 | 8 | 1.7E +/- 308 (15 digits) |
string | varuint length prefix followed by bytes of each character | Any string |
varuint | 1 byte when 0 to 127 2 bytes when 128 to 16,383 3 bytes when 16,384 to 2,097,151 4 bytes when 2,097,152 to 268,435,455 etc. | 0 to 2,147,483,647 |
varint | 1 byte when -64 to 63 2 bytes when -8,192 to 8,191 3 bytes when -1,048,576 to 1,048,575 4 bytes when -134,217,728 to 134,217,727 etc. | -1,073,741,824 to 1,073,741,823 |
buffer | varuint length prefix followed by bytes of buffer | Any buffer |
is a higher-order function that may be used to pack all or part of the packet data
regardless of the schema (e.g. JSON). Packer
to serialize the packet data.
The entire packet
export default (flecks) => {
const {Packer, Packet} = flecks.fleck('@flecks/socket');
const decorator = Packer();
return class Anything extends decorator(Packet) {};
socket.send(['Anything', {foo: 'bar', arbitrary: 'data'}]);
A specific key
export default (flecks) => {
const {Packer, Packet} = flecks.fleck('@flecks/socket');
const decorator = Packer('document');
return class AnythingField extends decorator(Packet) {
// Notice that we may still define other data fields here.
static get data() {
return {
id: 'uint32',
document: {whatever: 'you', want: 42},
id: 1234567,
Packers ultimately pack to/from binary and are compiled down to the buffer
data type in the
A bundle is a bunch of packets that get packed into a single packet. Before you ask, yes, you can
create Bundle
s of Bundle
s of packets. They're recursive!
const packets = [
['Action', {type: 'SET', payload: 20}],
['Bundle', [
['Action', {type: 'ADD', payload: 23}],
['Action', {type: 'ADD', payload: 26}],
// ...
socket.send(['Bundle', packets]); // Nice.
Bundles ultimately pack to/from binary and are compiled down to the buffer
data type in the
Packets are subject to acceptors which validate and respond to packets. Your packets may implement acceptor methods:
validate(packet, socket)
The packet being validated.
The socket through which was sent the packet being validated.
acceptor methods may throw ValidationError
s which @flecks/socket
export default (flecks) => {
const {Packet, ValidationError} = flecks.fleck('@flecks/socket');
return class SomePacket extends Packet {
static async validate(packet, {req}) {
if (await req.checkSomething()) {
throw new ValidationError({code: 404, reason: 'no something found'});
respond(packet, socket)
The packet being responded to.
The socket through which was sent the packet being responded to.
The result from your respond
acceptor method is serialized and transmitted and is ultimately the
result of socket.send`:
const result = await socket.send(['Whatever']);
// result is whatever was returned from the `respond` acceptor method.
client implements the followingrespond
acceptor method:static async respond(packet) {
}Whenever the client receives an
packet, the action will be dispatched by the redux store. -
implements avalidate
acceptor method for theLogout
packet:static validate(packet, {req}) {
if (!req.user) {
throw new ValidationError({code: 400, reason: 'anonymous'});
doesn't exist, the packet fails validation.
flecks provides intercom as a way for your socket server nodes to communicate amongst
themselves. Intercom is provided on a server socket at socket.req.intercom
and has two
The type of intercom call to make (e.g. @flecks/passport.users
Arbitrary serializable data to send along with the intercom request.
Intercom can also be called from an implementation of @flecks/web/server.request.socket
Suppose that we are running many game simulation nodes which each have many clients connected. The
nodes are processing a large number of positions in real time. Clients connected to any
node must be able to request a position even if it is simulated on another node. A client connected
to a node may request a position P
. A node may efficiently check if it simulates P
If the node that dispatches the request simulates the position, the response can be instant.
Otherwise, the node must use intercom to ask the other nodes whether they simulate P
const responses = await socket.req.intercom('@some/simulation.requestPosition', P);
This asks the other nodes if they simulate P
. Nodes will respond either with undefined
or P
through their implementations of @flecks/socket.intercom
// Assuming the fleck is `@some/simulation`...
export const hooks = {
'@flecks/socket.intercom': ({simulation}) => ({
requestPosition: async (P) => {
if (simulation.has(P)) {
return simulation.positionOf(P);
// return undefined is implied...
Intercom will invoke the @flecks/socket.intercom
implementation of the requesting node, not
only the others.
Default packets
provides some packets by default:
Sent to a client, refreshes the page.
Send a string which will be assigned to window.location.href
socket.send(['Redirect', '/']);
See the generated hooks page for an exhaustive list of packets.